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Using Spacetop Windows

Any size you want, anywhere

Updated over a week ago

Using Spacetop Windows

In SpacetopOS, windows are Spacetop’s browser or application 'squares'. Windows are 2D geometric objects that host all the content visible through Spacetop's glasses - though, unlike typical browser windows in a traditional laptop, windows are not confined to a monitor.

Windows allows for multiple tasks to be performed spatially and synchronously and removes the hassle of continuous context-switching between applications, tabs, or windows on traditional laptops.

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 7.38.49 PM

Windows can be moved, configured, and resized to accommodate various workflows. Spacetop can support any number of windows across its spatial canvas.

Resizing Windows

Similar to the way you might resize a 2D browser window, the size of any window can be easily adjusted to suit any spatial or visibility need.

Resizing a window:

  1. Move your mouse so that it touches the corner of the window that you wish to resize. Spacetop’s mouse will change shape from a standard mouse icon to one with dual arrows when you’re hovering over a window's corner

  2. Click, hold, and drag the edge of the window in any direction to resize it. Dragging the edge of the window outward or away from the window will enlarge it. Dragging it inward will make the window smaller

Moving Windows

Windows can be moved and re-oriented across the spatial canvas to suit any visual aesthetic or organizational need. Organizing windows across the spatial canvas is essential to designing efficient, productive, and visually pleasing workflows on your Spacetop.

Moving Windows Around the Spatial Canvas:

  1. Pick the window that you wish to move.

  2. Navigate the mouse to a window's header bar. The header bar is the grey, linear strip sitting at the top of every window.

  3. Click and hold anywhere on a window's header bar.

  4. Drag the window to the desired position on Spacetop’s Canvas and release.

Drag TIle (1)-gif

Launching New Windows

In Spacetop, all content is located within a configurable geometric 2D plane we call a window.

Opening a New Window:

  1. Locate the Home Bar at the bottom of Spacetop’s canvas.

  2. In the center of the Home Bar, locate the launcher to see a selection of applications.

  3. Select the application you wish to work in. Once selected, a fresh window will appear on your canvas.

Selecting an application directly from the launcher will open up a window from which you can work. If you don’t see an application listed within the launcher, you can always select ‘All Apps’ to open a larger launcher menu with more application selections.

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